MNASZ Offroad Committee online entry
Licence no.:  
Confirm password:  
Last (family) name:  
First (given) name:  
Pseudoname displayed on the licence:
Entrant / Competitor:  
Birth date:.  
Validity of
medical check:
E-mail address:  
Secondary e-mail address:  
Mobile phone no.:  

The following data are optional. If you specify these, will be automatically printed on the scrutineering form, making your on-site administration easier. You may specify or modify these data later as well.
No. of your own Mylaps transponder:  
Type of racing overal:
Serial No. of racing overal:
Type of helmet:
Serial No. of helmet:
Type of FHR (HANS):
Serial No. of FHR (HANS):

  I declare with the registration that I know and accept the Privacy Policy and accept the Privacy Statement. I declare my data given above are valid.

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